Giving my friend a wedding present---threesome

I was an experienced swinger. I can’t remember how many threesomes I had in my life. It is a lot. I think being in a swinger lifestyle is just the way I live. I couldn’t picture my life without it and I won’t hide it. There is nothing to hide. I live being out in the open. That is the reason I kept getting connected with other swinger couples and singles. I never come to tinder for threesome dating apps to find them. Instead, they come to find me. That saved me a lot of trouble.

I am very delighted to say that I am the mentor for swinger lifestyle for many people. Some of them are my friends and colleagues. When we are together, I would tell them sorts of stories about my tinder threesome experiences. Many people find them appealing and decide to try for their own. I had a colleague who were totally intrigued by my experiences. However, she had a stubborn colleague who refused to her proposal every time. She tried every method I told her, including telling him my experiences to turn him on, watching threesome porn and erotic movies together, etc. He just didn’t change his mind at all. You know when you want something so bad and someone just don’t give it to you, you would become very treacherous and you would want it even more. That was my colleague. She told me that she would consider to break up with him if she ran out of ways.

I know they have been going out for nearly a year and they are both the type of people who are going for marriages. I don’t think her husband realized the severity of it. As I was worried about their relationship, I got a phone from her boyfriend. He told me that he wanted to surprise her girlfriend by having a threesome with me, since she told him that she wanted to have threesome with me if it’s possible. I never thought I would be the one she picked, but she was a nice person. I wouldn’t mind having a couples dating with her. I said yes.

He really had a plan going on in his mind. He said he would pick me up from work when the day comes. Then we would show up at her door and surprise her. She would understand it as soon as she saw me. As expected, she was very surprised by us. That night, we had several nice threesome hookups together.

A month later, they got married. If it weren’t that threesome, I don’t know what the result will be. Maybe they will get married anyway. But I think being a swinger couple and living a swinger lifestyle is much more fun than being monogamous. It’s just my own opinion.